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Redefining Due Diligence for the Digital Age

Welcome to Pivotal Solutions Group, where financial due diligence meets the power of automation, delivering unmatched precision and efficiency for today's investors.


In a world driven by data and speed, our mission is clear: to transform how businesses approach financial due diligence. We understand that in the fast-paced landscape of investments, time is of the essence. That's why we've harnessed the capabilities of automation to redefine the due diligence process. 

Our Services 

At Pivotal Solutions Group, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your financial due diligence experience and empower you with the insights you need to make informed decisions. Our services include:

Financial Due Diligence

  • Gain a thorough understanding of your target investment's financial health.

  • Uncover hidden risks and opportunities.

  • Ensure that you're making data-driven decisions.

Quality of Earnings

  • Assess the quality of reported earnings.

  • Identify sustainable and non-recurring income.

  • Validate the accuracy and reliability of financial statements.

Carve Out Analysis

  • Navigate complex transactions with precision.

  • Isolate the financial performance of distinct business units.

  • Streamline the carve-out process.

Proforma and Synergy Analysis

  • Project the combined financials of merged entities.

  • Identify potential synergies and value creation opportunities.

  • Make informed decisions regarding mergers and acquisitions.

Strategic Analysis

  • Dive deep into the financial data to understand the bigger picture.

  • Align financial analysis with your investment strategy.

  • Get strategic insights to drive your investment decisions.

Earnings Normalization

  • Normalize earnings to provide a clear financial picture.

  • Remove anomalies and one-time events.

  • Facilitate accurate comparisons and evaluations.

Unlock Exceptional Value

At Pivotal Solutions Group, we recognize the unique demands of the private equity world, where precision and efficiency are paramount. We've tailored our services to provide you with exceptional value from day one. Here's how we redefine the due diligence experience for private equity professionals:

Automated Insight, Reduced Cost

  • Unlike traditional firms, we've automated the data intake and manipulation process that often consumes valuable time and resources.

  • Our streamlined approach allows us to focus on delivering true insights and value-added services, ensuring that you receive the highest quality due diligence without the overhead.

Seamless Recurring Engagements

  • With each project, we gain a deeper understanding of your investment strategy, risk tolerance, and specific challenges. This expertise means we not only expedite the due diligence process but also tailor the outputs to match your exact requirements.

  • Your recurring engagements are not just seamless; they're increasingly effective as we continue to fine-tune our approach based on your evolving needs.

Customized Solutions for Your Unique Deals

  • We understand the intricate nature of your investments, each one distinct in its challenges and opportunities.

  • Our flexibility ensures that your needs are not just met but exceeded, enhancing your ability to close deals seamlessly.

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Name: Matt Grunwald, President



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